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Taking the e-plunge

Accounting & Business magazine Asia edition - November 2015

As more and more companies look to conduct at least some of their business online, you need to be ready to help your clients make the leap into the digital economy

Many businesses still do not realise the value that could be derived from intangible assets such as customers in today’s digital world. By using mobile technology and social networks, companies can create more detailed views of their customers, their attributes and their transactions.  This greater insight can in turn lead
to improved customer experience, engagement and loyalty, and even new sales channels.

Nick Jonow, partner at Pacific Consulting Group in Hong Kong, says: ‘The value of customers may be easier to calculate than the value of other intangible assets as it’s more about sales/ profitability. However, one should be careful not to reduce a customer merely to a dollar figure – the most successful companies build long-term partnerships with their clients rather than seeing them just as revenue.’

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